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Darren Shepherd Darren Shepherd

Darren loves to share and is perfectly suited for MiLking babies, as he has been on the periphery of the MiLkBabY family almost since the inception. He and Barry also played together in the rock projects, Crystal Skull Persuasion and Discovery Spray.

Originally from Yorkshire England, Darren is the leader of the neo-folk outfit,BELMONDOS.
Darren is also an accomplished painter. As a matter of fact,he painted the front cover for the new album, BottLe! Basically, he is a very cool and kind hUmaN...say howdy to him after the show!
Sophie Senard Sophie Senard
vocals, accordian, recorder, thai gongs

Sophie is currently MiLkBabY's secret weapon. A native of France, sophie is also a Waldorf school teacher in addition to her duties of bringing her special wonderfulness to the MiLkMix. She is also a member of Darren's group, BELMONDOS, in addtion to sharing a household -- thats why they also share THIS page :). Sophie likes conac and hugs...
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